“Mama loved hosting and whenever one visited her, she made sure they had a meal before leaving. I am therefore inviting all of you to our home this weekend as we lay Mama to rest,” the words of the Master of Ceremonies at the funeral service for Mama Margaret Atieno Allela at the SDA Nairobi Central SDA Church on that Wednesday, 28 February 2024 summarised the full life that the deceased lived.

Family, friends, relatives and those who knew her eulogised Mama Margaret as someone who could be depended on for support no matter what one was going through.


From the beginning

Mama Margaret was born on December 12th, 1955, to the late Raphael Oloo Njwere of Kagenga ,Nyaoke village and the late Clementina Oloo. Her siblings included Maurice Ouma Osa, Maurice Oloo, Thomas Oloo, the late Fred Ojwang’o, Fransisca Odaga, Rose Agutu, and Mary Ombiro.

She attended Rakwaro Primary School. Nyadudu, or Ny’Oloo as family and friends would call her, was a skilled sportswoman, who was physically active up to the last days. She excelled in athletics and handball. Margaret joined Kenya Post and Telecommunications Central Training Institute (present day Multimedia University of Kenya), where she became an expert in copy typing.

Family life….


Mama Margaret met the late Eng. Elly Allela of Nyakach Kadiang’a in 1971 and got married to him in 1974. She was later joined by her co-wife Pamela Allela of Karachu0nyo with whom they became more like sisters.

Together, they were all blessed with 8 Children: Annex Allela, Evalyn Achieng, Mercy, Richie Allela, Bill Allela, Sharon Allela, Roy Allela and Brian Allela. Mama Margaret’s family grew and she welcomed 5 in-laws into the home who she took in as her own children. Lilian Ogutu Allela, Con Omore Osendo, Tom Kobe, Ella Seling Allela and Caroline Opondo Allela.

She was a doting grandmother to eight grandchildren; Debbie, Tina, Travis, Hawi, Eddy, Imani, Elly, and Nadia who she loved dearly and who were fond of her. Mama Margaret was a sister-in-law to the late Senior Chief William Allela, the late Dr. Samuel Allela, the late David Okoth, the late Halima Aluoch, the late Asman Allela, Peter Allela, Gabriel Ogutu, Joseph Ombiro Kamochi, Cyprina Auma, Elida Dolo, Pamela Dolo, Anne Ouma, Dorcas Ojwang, Mary Odiembo, Eunita Adoyo and Pauline Oure.

Professional, business and community life…

Mama Margaret joined Kenya Posts and Telecommunications, now Posta in 1981 as a Copy Typist III and rose to Senior Typist- scale 9 until her retirement in 2010. Post retirement, she was an astute trader and investor in real estate running a posho mill and rental properties in Nairobi and Rakwaro.

Mama Margaret  was also part of several groups including the New Rakwaro Umbrella self-help group, and the Osiepe group among many others. Mama had a huge heart. She would always welcome and entertain friends relatives and even strangers who would come seeking her assistance. She was a farmer who often visited her farm and enjoyed looking after her chicken which she would always send to her children and serve visitors with whenever they stopped by home. She had a hearty laugh which she passed down to her girls.

Spiritual life and church activity…


Mama Margaret  loved the Lord and being aware of the bible verse that says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)”, she brought up her family in complete reverence to God. She was prayerful and always presented her family to God. Mama faithfully prayed with her children when they visited and when they embarked on their return journey, blessing them as often as she could.

Mama was an active member of Nyaoke SDA church until her last day. She was baptized in the early 90s in Nyaoke church. She served diligently as the church treasurer from 1996-2006 and initiated several developments within the church. Mama dedicated her entire life to the church and supported the church through her finances and strength and with the help of her children. At the time of her demise, she was serving as the church building committee member under which they completed the construction of the main church and the pastor’s house. Mama Margaret loved singing in the church and her favorite song was ‘’Wuoth pod odong marom nade?’’ (from Nyagendia No. 235 ‘’how far from home’’).



Following prolonged stomach pain, On December 31, 2023, Mama Margaret went for a checkup at Aga Khan Hospital, Kisii. Upon examination and preliminary tests she was referred to Aga Khan, Nairobi for further tests and management.

The doctors ordered additional tests which showed advanced gastric cancer. She was later admitted as she had difficulty feeding due to an obstruction caused by a tumor in her stomach. She responded well and was started on chemo. Things looked brighter and at some point the doctors thought she would be discharged to continue treatment from home. This was not to be as she developed complications that saw her undergo a number of emergency procedures.

Through all this Mama Margaret remained strong and even expressed her desire to go back home. Her condition continued to deteriorate despite the interventions that were made to alleviate her pain and manage the cancer. She finally left to be with the Lord on 16th February 2024. In celebrating the life of Mama, we cherish the memories we created with her and know that she is at peace with the angels.

Mama planted seeds of peace,love and unity. She nurtured them with passion; now her legacy blooms in the garden of our memories. Her legacy of love will endure for generations to come.

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