One would likely lack the words to describe the person and life of  Samuel Mwangi Geita but friends and family have tried- ranging from one who saw in Samuel the persevering patience of the head of the Catholic Church Pope Francis to a daughter who sees him a hero even I death and a wife who says he was the most romantic man he has ever met.

Many who came across Samuel met an affable man who was always ready with a joke or something to laugh about. Add on to that a thorough professional who had a nose for a good story, and you begin to get the picture of who the man really was.


Samuel was born on 26/6/1971 in Nakuru County to the late John Giita Watene and the late Esther Mumbi Njoroge. He is the second born in a family of 7 among them: Eunice Nyambura, Lucy Njeri, Loise Wambui Mwangi, Priscilla Wanjiru Nderitu, Zipporah Wanjiku Kingori and Mary Wangui Irungu. He was a stepson of the late Loise Njoki and step brother to Joseph Mwangi Giita.


Samuel joined Irindi Primary School for his nursery education. He sat for KCPE in 1986 and joined Othaya Boys High School where he did his KCSE. He went to Kenya School of Mass Communication, Kenyatta University and the United States International University for his higher education.


In 1991 Samuel joined the Nation Media Group in Mount Kenya Region based in Nyeri where he worked in various departments. He was a news reporter for The Star Newspaper, Citizen Radio and VOA (Voice of America). He was until his death a Communication and Visibility Advisor to the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. He was also a Nairobi businessman under the banner Africa Now Consulting.


Samuel was baptised in Irindi Parish Emmanuel ACK Church in 1981.


SAMUEL met the love of his life, Gladys Some-Mwangi in the year 2003 and got married in 2009. They were blessed with 2 children: Neema Mumbi Chebet Mwangi and John Geita Mwangi. He was son In-law of the late Samuel Some Maswai and Eunice Jepsuge Some.

Samuel was brother In-law of the late Ndungu Kabuthu, Charles Maina, Anne Wangui, Moses Nderitu, the late James Kingori, Joseph Irungu, Gideon Some, Jacob Some, Dr. Seroney Some, the late Zebulon Some, Prof. David Some, the Late Hezekiah Some, Judith Muttai, Wilson Some, Rhoda, Alice, Jane Some, Abimelech, Paul and the Late John Some

He was a nephew to Kimani, Githiga and Zipporah Wanjiku. He is uncle to many children among them: Diana Mumbi, Anne Njeri, Jacinta Mumbi, Wanjugu, Lucy Muthoni, Nyakinyua, Rose Njoki, Caroline Wanjiru, Melvin Giita, Mathew Isaac Kiago, Ivy Chelagat, Derick Maina, Eva Maina, Muthoni, Naftali Mukiri, John Giita, Reagan Irungu and Simon Kariuki.

He was a grandfather to many. He was a nephew to Simon Wambugu Watene, John Kaaba, Nuthu Watene and Wanjiru Watene. He is also a cousin to many.

Community Service

A committed parent at Jabali Christian Schools and Diamond Kids. He never failed to attend parents’ meetings and always offered to assist the school wherever possible. He loved all people across the divide and never discriminated against any. He always went out of his way to make others comfortable and brought people together in unity and reconciled those that were not in good terms. A big-hearted man he was.


On 26th Nov 2015, Samuel met his death through a tragic road accident along Thika Super highway near Kenyatta University and died on the spot.



 The loving Samuel, my hero, my daddy–by Neema Chebet Mumbi Mwangi

Dad I really love and miss you so much, I wish you were right here with me I remember those moments when you would take us to Mombasa for holiday. You always told us to ensure that we were safe. Thank you for always reminding me to take care of my brother John. Dear daddy rest in peace because I shall surely take care of him. Dad our Sundays were always very interesting, I remember the outings and thank you very much.

Just before the accident you were telling me to be a good girl at home and I obeyed. Then like 20 minutes you just passed away I wish you would be here dad. I will miss you in all my life and remember the good times together. I promise you that I will be a good girl to my mother and will always make you proud.

I know Jonnie will miss you too. Jonnie is already missing you. He keeps kissing your photo. He loves you and we will love you forever.

Four years later…..

I really wish you were here, but you are not. But it is because you were part of God’s plan; Daddy it really hurts me to think of the fact that you are gone. If only you were here to see how I have grown and how I have become this teenager. Dad, it may still be five years but to me it feels like it was one day ago. I still don’t believe you are actually gone, the pain of losing a parent if the worst feeling, especially when you are young. Your passing on taught me how to be mature and handle things in a mature, wise way. NO DAD, ARE YOU REALLY GONE? No. it can’t be, you were the strongest man I ever knew and the fact that you are gone, I don’t know who is going to give me advice that a father should give to their teenage daughter. The other day at school, my friends were talking about how their dads love them and bought them different things and it made me feel really bad and I started regretting because if you were here I know I would never have gotten bullied because you would make sure that no child should hurt me and I know that if you were here you would have made us go for so many adventures. God, I loved my dada so much, but I still have a question that can never be answered; why did you take my dad away from me? The pain I have gone through since has been intense but dad I will always love you and I am pretty sure you are smiling at me in heaven. I LOVE YOU. RIP DADDY

From your loving, caring, beautiful daughter who misses you

Neema Mwangi

 Rest in peace dad


Goodbye my lover and friend

 By Gladys Some-Mwangi

 Where do I begin? Do I begin with the years when we dated or the day we met? Do I begin from when we became a family with the arrival of baby Neema? When the idea of penning a tribute to my beloved departed husband came to me, I thought it would be easy, after all I have spent the last ten or so years with Samuel Mwangi Geita, my confidant, my friend, my anchor, my critic, my love and my husband all rolled into one.

Looking back, those years must be the best years of my life. Okay, let me reflect on some highlights of the life and times of Mwangi Geita, at least the events that have shaped us as a family. Sometimes back in the year 2003 while on official duty as a reporter with KBC, precisely in the office of the then minister for internal security, Chris Murungaru, a certain well-dressed gentleman smiled and waved at me in the midst of over 20 journalists who awaited a press statement from the minister.

As soon as the statement was done, I rushed down the stairs as the lifts at OP were not functional that day. As I ran down the stairs to beat the deadline of filing my story in the newsroom, the gentleman that had waved at me in the minister’s office was running after me when I glanced back.

He stretched his hand and kindly requested for my phone number. At first I was hesitant but gave the number anyway and he came across as a very warm and interesting person. One that I knew would be interesting to get to know a little more. One thing led to another and we were soon inseparable. By the time we had the engagement and subsequently the wedding in 2009. I knew I had found myself someone I could spend the rest of my life with.

I feel lucky that I got to spend these past years with Mwangi, I got to spend a lot of quality time with a generous, helpful and humorous man with whom I have two lovely children; Neema and Johnnie. I thank God for these children, as I know now that with Mwangi gone, they will be the focus and joy of my life; I believe this is what Mwangi would like for me and my two angels.

During the course of my marriage to Mwangi, I have met and interacted with remarkable people in the Church, in the media, in politics and across all cadres of society. Together we strengthened our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, with the ICC church as our fellowship church of choice. Short as the years of my marriage may seem to many people, I can attest that they have been the most enriching years of my life, both spiritually and socially.

Indeed, it has been quite an exciting journey together; and I am proud of what we achieved together as a family and the contributions we made to society, mostly through Mwangi’s generous nature, his journalism and communications career and, generally, his love of life and his passion for helping those in need.

I would like to sincerely thank my members of my immediate families – my in-laws, my mother and my brothers and sisters as well as my relatives and friends for the dedicated support that I received from each and every one of you since that terrible Thursday night when I learnt of Mwangi’s tragic demise. As we bid Mwangi fare thee well, I hope and pray that God will give me the strength to ensure his legacy lives on in his children.

I thank all of you for your support and friendship, for being there for me, for turning up in large numbers for the meetings at our home, for the successful harambee held on Wednesday towards arrangements for the burial of my beloved Mwangi. I thank you all for joining our family in Mwangi’s final journey and for mourning with us at this time.

Neema and Johnnie, together with the memories of our time together with Mwangi all these years will remain one of the high points of my life. Forever rest in the arms of the Lord my love. I will forever cherish all the moments we spent together as lovers and family.

Rest with the angels my dear.


…….four years later….

Is it really 4 years already?…..So how do I begin telling this story of pain, fear of the unknown without my darling Geita, of joys of knowing who true friends are …..of the long lonely nights…..the missed kisses and cuddles, the elusive love… meetings without daddy, holidays without daddy… and a lot that has really changed since that fateful Thursday night of 26th November 2015 in that tragic car accident…..a day just like this four years ago that completely changed our lives….

It still feels like it was just last night….I still dream we’re together as a family…only to wake up to the painful reality…

It has been so hard for us all especially your daughter Neema. I did not realize how much pain she held onto….see the letter she wrote you this week……how much heartache she battles inside…she cries everytime anything reminds her of you… especially when she imagines “if only dad was here”…….last night she cried too much…I cried too as I helplessly looked at her…..sometimes the normal humanly hardships we have had to endure are a constant reminder that if you were here things would probably have been different. You always fought for us….you loved your family with unmatched passion….it would be an uphill task for anyone to try and fit in your shoes…. You see, Neema always remembers that you taught her to fight back if someone tried to bully her….but eish mama is different….it’s just been hard…

Johnny on the other hand chooses to avoid any talks of daddy…. whenever kids discuss their dads in his presence he often chooses to walk away….and once I witnessed as kids talked of their dads and how they play this or that with their dads, and they went on and on…it broke my heart to pieces as I saw Johnny coil into a corner and pretend he wasn’t hearing….I couldn’t handle it…I went into a hiding place to let it out, to let the tears flow as I imagined how he has to grow up without a Father like the other boys….oh how painful this is😭…it cuts through my heart…

But God’s amazing Grace and love has held us together as a family…our pastors specifically, Pastor William Odero and Rev Leo Kinuthia never stopped checking on us and praying for us…Pastor Julius Wainaina constantly reminded me that God was with us through it all and that it would be well and that we should always solely look up to God….and pastor Moses Haya…..I haven’t seen a church that supports widows so passionately in prayer and visitation like ICC….I am still in awe of how much they supported me and the children…I often imagine how it would have been had they not been there to hold our hands through this tough experience in our lives….

My darling Geita, you truly had some very good friends, top on the list is Peter Gichohi (this man is truly a man of God….I would write a whole book about his support for Geita’s wife and children….I think he even almost risked his job in trying to support the family of his departed friend Geita)…..then the one my daughter Neema willfully said mum, I think the true friend dad had was Kabando…. even amid his busy schedule he has remained a true friend even in death, checking on us often to be sure kids are doing well in school and to know if they have all books needed…..then there are two I met during the tragic events of funeral arrangements, Nixon Mageka Gecheo and Kiringai Kamau your colleagues then…., they have always checked on us and we have assurance that if we needed any help they would come through for us….

Then there’s one “truest friend” (if there’s anything like that in English)…..only you and I know him well……despite his position and his very busy schedule he was deeply moved by your death, he literally looked out for us….he is truly a Godly man….a man of compassion…a true friend…..and just like in the Bible 2nd Samuel 9:7…your children were shown kindness for your sake ….just the way King David told Mephibosheth “for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan….so was your family shown kindness….. through God’s favor and Grace..

And I will not forget your childhood sweetheart (I will not mention her name), “she” who you often told me about when you heard the song ‘nilikuwa na mchumba wangu, tulipendana kama nyama choma, alibahatika kwenda ngambo”…..yes that one….she reached out to us….and told me how you always told her how much you loved me and the children…..she was so heartbroken by your death…..and even in a far away land in the United States of America she often called and sent us some money and assured me she’d always be there should I need a shoulder to cry on….she was a good lady….and had you succeeded in marrying her she’d have made a perfect wife….but hey God chose me for you😜

My darling Geita….today I will remember you fondly….I will cherish our moments together….and even though they’re only left as memories, I will forever be grateful to God for the times we shared and for the moments of love, passion and care we had for one another and for the children that God gave to us….

Sleep darling, sleep till we meet again on that beautiful morning at the feet of Jesus….


Surely it is hard to believe that you are no more with us and I cannot stop remembering the pain that cut through my heart when I was called by a stranger who broke the painful news of your demise to me. I was so shocked with the news. I am yet to come to terms that surely, you’re no more. I can never forget the good memories we shared together and the stories we used to share  when you came back from work before going to bed and I am truly humbled because you took me as your own son and you taught me like a father. I will surely live to remember you at all times. You gave me good mentorship and taught me to be humble and be generous to others and also to be a blessing to others. I will live to remember you my uncle you were so good to many as an uncle and I can’t forget. I am still like a first born and also taking care of my siblings Neema and Johnny and also not forgetting our lovely mum Gladys that she has been like a father since u went to be with the lord. Rest in peace uncle …..

Keneth Kipkirui – Nephew


A compassionate networker, a man of resilient spirit. A Friendly, go-getter, and generous personality. Gone, yet still lingering in our thoughts, Lying still, yet unbowed image of endurance. Fare Thee Well my comrade Mwangi wa Geita; salutations endless, R.I.P. Amen

Kabando wa Kabando- former member of parliament Mukurweini


As Jabali Christian School community we are deeply saddened by the sudden demise of our dear class 4 parent. He was committed, adorable and lovable to all. He was always willing to assist in anything. We cherish the moments we shared with the late Samuel Mwangi GEITA fondly called Baba Neema Chebet Mwangi by Jabali schools community.

To Gladys Some – mama Neema as we call you, Neema, Johnny and family members may God comfort you. Kindly accept the condolences of pupils, teachers, Parents teachers’ partnership, Board of management and the Jabali community as a whole. God bless you.


  Mention of Samuel Mwangi Geita gives me so much nostalgic memories. I knew him more fondly as Baba Neema and he fondly called me Ms. Mercy. He was such a committed parent to Neema before Johnny joined Jabali Christian Schools later. Baba Neema used to drop the daughter to school several times even though he had paid for school transport. Any time he dropped the daughter he would religiously wait for the children to settle in class and come to my office to find out if the school needed anything that he could help in. Baba Neema was among parents who would help to gather teaching /learning materials for school theme. Very clear in my mind was this time we were covering transport as school theme. Baba Neema downloaded for us all the different modes of transport. He printed in hard copy and sent me also on soft. He went ahead and spoke to an organization where we visited for field trip on the same. The week he passed on, the school had planned a parents meeting. He was the first one to arrive. For some reason the younger son Johnny was so active this particular day. Baba Neema kept walking up and down as he took care of the son. We therefore had kept talking to each other because Johnny loved to come where I was seated. Baba Neema was a generous man; I remember him giving the school the first ever Sports trophies. Come to this fateful day the 26th November, when this happened Mama Neema called me and informed me about the accident and death. This was the worst moment for me as a teacher. Baba Neema was my very supportive parent. For a moment I did not know what to do. I needed to break the sad news to Neema my girl. I needed to be strong for the family. I was hurting from inside. I would hold my emotions all day but scream alone. Baba Neema has been one of the best parents have dealt with in my 31 years of school management. Rest in Peace my dear Parent.

Mercy Igoki- Principal Jabali Christian Schools


I have known the late, not for that long, but it seems like for ages. I treated his late mother and from then we struck a close friendship. What stood out for me was his humility, just like that of Pope Francis: he never pressurised me beyond what our medical team felt was the best way forward, despite the gravity of the situation. May our good Lord rest his soul in heavenly bliss, Amen.

Dr Ndonga


Mwangi Geita was a long time stringer for the Swahili Service who worked hard with full commitment and made great contributions in winning huge audience for VOA. He was an outstanding journalist with a keen eye on the news.

He was also very helpful person who hosted and helped many journalists, including Hamza, Steven and myself during a recent trip to Nairobi. He will be greatly missed and our heartfelt condolences goes to his family!! May he rest in eternal peace!!

 Negussie Mengesha

Director, Africa Division Voice of America (VOA)

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